Website Development

Website Development: The Never-ending Story to Increase Website Traffic

A successful website is very much like a successful person-they are always growing and improving. In this world there is no standing still; you are either moving forward or you are moving backward. Your website development, therefore, also needs to be an ongoing process. Just like the earth has its cycles and seasons, so will your website. Keeping on top of these cycles and rolling with the changes will increase your website traffic and keep it growing consistently throughout the days, weeks, months and years ahead.

There is a specific cycle to website development (at least when it is done properly) that helps to increase traffic to your site. It follows the same pattern over and over again:

  • Planning: this involves doing the research, setting goals and determining what your target market will be. Proper planning is the key to your success.

  • Analysis: this is where you research your keywords and begin assembling the physical characteristics of your website development.

  • Design: This is where the art and science of the website are blended into an interdependent unit. This is not a one-time event, but rather a part of the process for achieving maximum results.

  • Implementation: Putting all your plans into action is the good part. Your hard work starts to pay off and you can see your efforts taking shape.

  • Promotion: This is where you start marketing your site on the internet. You have to have traffic to make money and you have to have traffic to see how well your design is working. It is your conversion rate along with increased traffic that will make you money, but you have to have some traffic in order to split test to improve your conversion rate.

  • Innovation: The key to ongoing website development. You have to split test to see what works and what doesn't and throw out what you don't need and then test something new.

  • Repeat

The process of website development is a never-ending story. What works today may not be effective six months from now. Times change. People change. The internet changes. Your website development has to guide you through these changes to keep the website traffic coming in and keep your site in business. Increasing your website traffic takes the right blend of elements that can change depending on the type of business, the season and the personal tastes of your target market. Basically, your internet audience is fickle and your website development helps you stay one step ahead of their next whim.