Website Design Company

7 Critical Reasons to Change Your Website Design Company

Your website design company is vital to your business' online success and you certainly don't want to go around changing your design company like you change your socks, but there are some signs that can let you know when it is time to change. In fact, there are 7 critical reasons to change your website design company:

  • Your results are not what you expected. If you aren't getting the results you thought you would get when you decided to start marketing your company on the internet, it might be time to change your website design company. A good website design company will not just give you a "pretty" website; they will give you a website that gets results.

  • You aren't on the first page of the search engine results or even the second page. If you aren't getting a good ranking on the search engine results that can mean a few things: you either have a bad site design that isn't allowing the search engine spiders to properly crawl your content: your content isn't search engine optimized; your site is getting stale. In any case, your website design company should be able to fix the problem and get you a good ranking. Since they haven't done that for you yet, that is a sign that it is time to move on.

  • You don't like the way your website looks. You don't need any more of a reason than that.

  • Your website looks good, but it takes a long time to load. You would be better off with an ugly page that loads quickly than something like this. If your page takes more than a second or two to load you are losing a lot of viewers who just won't wait that long.

  • Your current website design company doesn't answer your emails or phone calls in a timely manner. No matter how good the design is, if you aren't getting good customer service to go with it they don't deserve your business.

  • You can't even remember who your website design company is. If your website design hasn't changed since way back when Al Gore invented the internet, it may be time to choose a new company and move your website into this century.

  • You want to send your profits through the roof. If you are tired of settling for mediocrity and want to reach new heights of success, you will need to find a website design company with a proven track record of doing just that for their clients.

Of course, once you find a website design company that is able to fulfill your needs you will want to stick with them, but if you aren't where you would like to be with your online business it is definitely time to make a change.