Web Site Design

Are These Web Site Design Flaws Eating Your Profits?

There are people who mistakenly think that their website design has no effect on the amount of profit they are making and others who believe their design has an effect on their profits, but are mistaken about why and how their web site design is affecting their profits. Make no mistake about it, your web site design has a huge influence on your business' profits, but it isn't just about making your website attractive to look at. There are specific and measurable ways that your design affects people's decision to buy from your website.

It's all about your conversion rate. People that don't understand or underestimate the effect that web site design has on their conversion rate are basically throwing money out the window every single day. They are missing sales they could've had with the exact same number of visitors to their site. All because they are making a few fatal design flaws. You see, your web site design says a lot about your company. It is the first thing they see when they click over to your site and it is what makes them decide, in a fraction of a second, whether or not they will read your page. So, you see, what your page says doesn't matter until your design entices them to read it. One of the biggest factors that will make a person click away from your page in under a second is a bad color choice.

Your web site design and color choice needs to be interesting enough to make the viewer stop long enough to read what you have to tell them, but the design's influence on their purchase decision doesn't end there. The design of your page needs to lead the viewer's eye straight to your well written headline, and the headline needs to be the right color and the right font. If any of these elements is off-the viewer is gone before they even know what you are offering them.

Another one of the biggest web site design flaws that eats your profits is the lack of an appropriate "call to action". The call to action isn't just made with the text on the page. The right "order now" button strategically placed will scream out to your viewers and pull in a much higher conversion rate and that is when the money starts rolling in. In order to be sure you aren't guilty of design flaws that eat your profits you are going to want to split test everything on a regular basis and be willing to make changes when necessary in order to keep your profits high.